just finished reading what turned out to be an extraordinary novel. It’s Dancing with Kali (Niyogi Books, Delhi,
2010) written by the erudite architect, Lalita Das. She sure had me fooled.
Because it started off like one of those simple social novels that used to be
published in the Diwali issues of Marathi magazines in the late forties and
early fifties. What it gradually evolved into, though, was a cogent and lucid exposition
of how the Indian patriarchal system works. No serious sociological tome could
have explained the subject better. The chief protagonist is the matriarch of a
North Goan Hindu joint family. Once she realises the nature of the beast and
helplessly watches her only daughter being sacrificed on the altar of family
honour, she concocts a rather fiendish plan to take over the reins of the
family in order to bring up her granddaughter as a free bird. In my humble
opinion, this novel deserves to be read widely instead of the trash that passes
off as good reads. It is also my wish that a film director with social
conscience makes a movie out of it. The story-telling is very visual and can easily
be adapted for the silver screen. The novel also deals with a lot of Hindu beliefs
like karma in a simple language. All in all, a remarkably rewarding read.